Personal blog of Derek and Margaret, now living in Dominica, W.I., founders of Ozone Zone – an Independent Canadian book publisher specializing in coffee table books of architectural treasures and lush gardens. We also promote fine artistic photography. This blog contains unofficial reports and comments from our various trips, photo sessions and jobs – an unofficial scrapbook of our travels, explorations and photo-related work. See “about” for more.

sharing good news with you…

We just had some good news from Barbados about our book Exotic Gardens of the Eastern Caribbean. Looks like it is doing extremely well there, and it already sold in bigger numbers there than our whole USA sales!
Cruise ship terminal and the Horticultural Society are the latest ones interested in offering our titles.
On top of that, a known blogger from Barbados – and a professional gardener, Helen Knighton, featured in our book posted a short review on her blog . We would like to thank her for kind words.
And, we would like to wish fantastic Holidays to you, followed by a great New Year!

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